Templates d'emails "Networking"

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18 templates d'emails
Can I put you two in touch?

Hey {{first_name}}!

I hope you're doing well. A friend I studied with at NYU is looking for a new trading role and he's been closely looking into JPM! I recalled you mentioning you worked there so I thought I could introduce him to you.

Here's his LinkedIn profile: [Link to profile, or attach a resume if you have one]

Any chance I can put him in touch with you to learn more / get some advice?

[[your name]]

Similar article

Hi {{first_name}},

I enjoyed your post on [[site]] and I found it very useful, it left me with some practical ideas to implement here at [[your company]].

I thought I’d return the favor and give you something useful too. I found this article on [[article topic]] that may be beneficial to you.

Here’s the link to check it out [[link]].

I hope it helps you and your team.

Introducing [[name]]

Hi {{first_name}},

How are things going at {{company}}? I'd like to introduce you to [[person, linked to their LinkedIn profile]]. [[Describe the person briefly as it relates to why you are introducing him, with something unique/praise-worthy about them if possible]].

[[Name]], meet [[name]]. [[Briefly describe how you met]]. [[Mention this person's strengths and abilities in the topic of focus and their willingness to chat (provided it is true)]].

I'll leave it to you two to find a time to connect!


[[your name]]

Congrats on [[event]]

Hey {{first_name}},

Congratulations on your recent [[round of funding/promotion]].

What you’re doing is going to impact [[their industry]] in a major way.

I look forward to seeing how you improve it!


[[your name and title]]

Hey {{first_name}}

Hey {{first_name}},

I'm bummed we haven't been able to connect, but I wanted to give it one last shot.

Would you be free to hop on a 15 to 20 minute call [[date and time]]? I guarantee that I have a few suggestions that could [[improve KPI]].

In the meantime, here are [[two resources]] I thought you might find value in because you're on the cutting edge of the [[niche/industry]] industry.

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