SEO email templates

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Missing link

Hi {{first_name}},

First off, I’d like to thank you for mentioning [[brand / product]] within your recent article. We appreciate it!

I noticed within the article that you didn’t link through to our website when you mentioned us. Is there any chance that you can quickly update the post with a link? Here’s the link to save you time searching for it: [[link to homepage / product page]].

Thanks in advance, and if you never need any more info on [[brand / product]] then I’d be happy to supply you with it (imagery, video, content, etc).

Thanks again!

[[signature and title]]

Interested in a content collaboration with [[your company]]?

Hi {{first_name}},

[[your name]] here :) from [[company]].

I bumped into [[this article]] on LinkedIn and thought I'd reach out to, see if you'd be interested in a content partnership with [[your company]].

More specifically, I'd love to write an article for your blog on a [[topic]] [[(quick topic explanation)]]. If you're open, I'd be happy to send over a couple of fleshed-out ideas.

In return, I'd be happy to help you with your goals in any way I can.

Our blogging team isn't taking any guest posts submissions for this year, but [[your offer]].

Would this be something you'd be interested in?

[[your name]]

Hunter's image

Hey {{first_name}},

I just noticed that in your blog post [[URL]] you are using one of the infographics we recently created at Hunter. Glad you found it useful!

[[insert the infographic]]

Mind linking back to our blog post where this infographic was originally posted?

Either way, keep up the great work!


Anchor update

Hi {{first_name}},

I wanted to reach out to you regarding our link [[insert link]] in your "[[page title]]" article.

We thought that by changing the anchor text from [[current anchor text]] to [[new anchor text]], it would better benefit your readers who want to learn more about our product.

We appreciate your time and look forward to hearing back from you regarding our request.


[[senders name and title]]

8 Ways to Find Someone's Email Address in 2021

Hi {{first_name}},

Great article on how to find anyone's email address. Looking at the WHOIS is a great tip.

One of your article links is going to an old domain -

Last week, switched their email permutator link to us because:
- The copy buttons on the old domain above are broken
- Our permutator has rare, common, and all permutations for ease of use
- We have an email permutation video tutorial + Q & A section
- Our page has been ranked no. 2 by Google for the last few months.

Would you be open to linking to us instead?

Contribution to your blog

Hi {{first_name}},

[[personalized comment]]

I’m writing to you because I’m interested in contributing a guest post on your site.

Based on what has worked for [[Site name]] in the past, I feel that your readers would love these ideas:

[[Idea Title & Brief Description]

To give you an idea of my writing style and quality, here’s a guest post I recently wrote for [[guest post link]]

Do you think these ideas would be a good fit for your [[site, publication, newsletter]]?


[[your name and title]]

{{company}} + [[company]] = Partnership

Hey {{first_name}},

[[name]] here from [[company]]. I ate a clock yesterday, it was very time-consuming.

This email won't be however :)

I am writing regarding a possible collaboration between {{company}} & [[company]].

I am looking for a mention of our post in one of your articles and I am happy to offer a backlink to your website in return.

We can return the favor a few ways, just let me know if you are interested :)

Waiting for your response.



Loved [[your work]]

Hey {{first_name}},

I just wanted to say, I’m a huge fan of your work. I especially loved [[link to one of their recent posts]].

Great stuff! [[Insert key takeaway or funny comment]]

I’m actually publishing a post on [[topic]] next week. Being a master at [[topic]], I thought you might enjoy it.

Would you care if I sent you the link when it goes live to get your feedback?

Thanks for your time,

[[your name]]

Regarding One of Your Articles

Hi {{first_name}},

Recently one of my friends who owns a startup told me that, ''He started his own business with nothing and still has most of it''
Puns aside, I am Vignesh Wadarajan I own a blog where I write stuff about blogging and marketing.

While I was skimming through this article of yours (, I found out that you've linked to a well-qualified piece:- with Anchor Text:- 'starting a blog'

The resource is truly great, it clearly simplifies blogging and helps how one can go about it. But despite such extensive info, I felt that the content didn't talked a lot about:-

1) How to choose a less competitive (yet profitable) niche

2) How to do keyword research in the right way

3) How to do link building

Which I see as definitive pillars to start any blog and I mentioned all those points in my definitive guide on 'How To Start a Blog' (

You can check my piece thoroughly in your free time and if it's good, please go ahead & share my link. (Not to say that I would be damn thrilled)

Note: By no means, I meant to say that the current resource from your article is not qualified enough, but what I actually meant was that my article adds additional perspectives and it might cater well to your content.

Thank you,
[[your name]]

Additional resource for [[content]]

Hey {{first_name}},

I loved your recent article on [[article name]] and I noticed that you mentioned [[similar article]]. [[insert unique observation about the article]].

My name is [[insert name]] and I'm a [[position]] at [[company name]].

I recently produced a similar piece of content and was hoping that, if you find it useful, you could link to it as a resource for your audience.

I've linked to it [[here]] for you. If you find it helpful at all I'd really appreciate a share and a comment on the piece.

Thank you for your time.

Take care,

About your resource page...

Hi {{first_name}},

[[your name]] here from [[your company]].

I came across [[their URL]] while looking for [[topic]].

It's really helpful, thank you so much.

Though -- can I make a quick suggestion? I have a few resources here that might be good addition to your page.

Quick fact: They were added on [[page it was added]] too.

Would you be interested if I sent them over?

[[your name]]

Quick content update

Hi {{first_name}},

I hope you’re doing great!

I noticed that you were linking to [[name of website]] in one of your articles and noticed that the content it was linking back to no longer existed. Would you be open to replacing that link?

I have an up-to-date article up on my website that you could link back to for [[anchor text]].

I’d appreciate it if you could link back to my content instead. Please let me know if you need further details.



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