Cold email templates

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269 email templates
{{first_name}}, these website errors are preventing you from showing up in Google…

Hi {{first_name}},

I thought you’d like to know that customers are struggling to find your website due to several website errors. I did a quick scan of your website, and it’s available for you if you’re interested (no opt-in required).

My name is [[your name]], I’m the [[title]] of [[agency]].

I made this short [[1-page report]] exclusively for your business. If you follow the instructions in the report, you can boost website traffic by an estimated [[X% in less than 30 days] ]

Here’s that [[report]] again (it’s free).

[[your signature]]

Quick question on {{company}} {{first_name}}

Hey {{first_name}},

I know 2.22 percent of your traffic comes from email marketing, but I was wondering how big your email list is and how much profit you get from it?

Companies like MindFire Inc, Andresen San Francisco, Madison College, American Banknote Corporation, Cimquest, and many others trust me to help them get the most out of their email list.

Don’t believe me? See for yourself:

[[screenshot with a proof]]

I recently looked into Hunter’s email marketing and have some suggestions. Would you be interested in knowing them?

Just send a YES, and I will send it to you.

Nice meeting you {{first_name}}

Hi {{first_name}},

It was great to meet you last night at the [[event name]]. I enjoyed our conversation afterward—particularly, [[something specific they talked about that stuck out to you, that you admired, or that inspired you]].

Here is [[something you mentioned in the conversation]] OR When thinking back on our conversation, this [[tool/article/resource]] came to mind that you might find interesting:

[[link to the tool/resource]]

Stay in touch,

[[your name]]

Would love to get your thoughts for a feature on Conversion Sciences

Hello {{first_name}},

I just wanted to drop you a quick line on behalf of Brian Massey. You are on a shortlist of CRO experts he'd like to feature in an upcoming piece for

We are putting together a comprehensive article on the best split testing tools available, and if you are interested in weighing-in, I'd love to get your thoughts on a few questions (responses wouldn't need to be long).

I've listed the questions below.

1) Outside of Optimizely and VWO, what are your favorite AB testing tools?
2) What do you love about them?
3) Who would you recommend them to?

Thanks for your time, and I look forward to hearing from you!

Ideas Hey {{first_name}},

Since content is a major source of customers for you, here are a few meaty topics that would bring in high intent leads and a lot of social engagement.

[[Briefly describe a really good idea related to their business and your services]]

[[Briefly describe another really good idea related to their business and your services]]

A little about me: I create really engaging content that converts (recent examples: 1, 2, 3).

Would you be open to a 15-min brainstorm to bat around some ideas?

[[Your name]]
Who will get customers first, you, or your competitors?

Hi {{first_name}},

According to Investopedia, "many people will choose a do-it-yourself home renovation or upgrade rather than consider selling and moving during a recession. Depending on credit conditions, borrowing to buy a new home is often not an option for most people during a recession anyway."

This is great news!

Your customers will need your help to renovate or upgrade their homes.

The bad news?

There’s going to be a lot of competition via Google and Google Maps. With the right approach, you can generate 3x more leads; our report shows you how. This report is all education, no pitch. It’s also free; there’s no obligation to buy.


P.S. I have [[x]] slots left. Request your free report and review [[here]].

[[your signature]]

Here's a quick question for you {{first_name}}

Hey {{first_name}},

When was the last time you could actually track the outputs of all your product sampling activities?

If you like most {{position}}s in the consumer goods industry, you are probably dealing with excess product sampling waste and not reaching the right audience for the right product.

We’ve crafted a simple solution to help solve this problem directly. You can now launch targeted, digital sampling campaigns ideally for your target audience to increase your customer experience. We also provide you with insightful and actionable analytics for you to optimize your strategy.

I’d like to set up a personalized demo for you this [[time]]. Alternatively, please let me know when are you available. I’d greatly appreciate that.

Kind regards,
[[your name]]

Is this you, {{first_name}}?

Hi {{first_name}},


So, I’m reaching out to ask you a quick question: [[Intriguing question]]

Asking because I just finished [[Service]] for [[Client]], and achieved [[metrics]] – resulting in revenues approaching 7 figures.

My guess is these are results you'll want to have at {{company}}. And given {{company}} similarity with [[Client]], implementing our strategy will yield the same crazy results.

That said, I'd like to show you how this strategy can be useful to the marketing team at {{company}}.

Is this something you're interested in?



Experienced customer story writer available

Hi {{first_name}},

Hope your week is going well. I read about [positive company news, like a write-up in TechCrunch or a new product launch]. Congrats!

I was checking out {{company}} website and noticed you don’t have any [outcome of service you’re offering; this is the identification of the problem].

Do you need help with this? As an experienced [[expert in service you’re offering]], I [[what you do for clients]].

With your [[company news]] and need to build trust and growth, I imagine [[statement of how it could be very easy to fix the problem you’ve identified]]. For example, [[free tidbit of advice]].

As you may know, research has shown that [[stat to answer your prospect’s "so what?" and "why should I care?" questions]].

Recently I helped [[similar company]] achieve [[X result]] with a [[service you’re offering]]. You can check the details out here.

Because of my background as a [job position], I can clearly [[insert your USP or relevant work experience to provide credibility]] to get {{company}} [[your reader’s business goal]].

When are you open for a 15-minute call next week to chat about how we can work together? Looking forward to hearing from you.


[[Your name]]

Join our referral program

Hey {{first_name}},

[[name]] here from [[company]], a high-rated [[competitor]] alternative.

I saw one of your posts promoting [[X]] and thought you'd be a great fit for our referral program, to help us spread the word about [[company]].

We’re already working with the likes of [[example 1]] and [[example 2]] who generate more than 4-figures in revenue through us.

By signing up and promoting [[company]] through our program you get:

- 30% recurring and scalable commissions

- Bonus rewards! (Currently, you have the chance to earn an extra $150 as a fast-start bonus)

- Ready-made resources to promote us effectively (banners, newsletter templates, guides, and more)

- SEO assistance from our content team

- A dedicated Account Manager (that’s me!)

- Ready to start earning? Here’s the link to join us: [[link]]

Feel free to reach out if you have any questions. I am also reachable via Linkedin! :)



Quick win for {{company}}

Hi {{first_name}},

Want to see how you can instantly [[benefit of your product]?]

I know you’re busy working to [[end result that your product/service helps with]], so I’ll make this quick.

I’m the lead [[role at your company]], and I’ve got a few suggestions to help you immediately generate some quick wins with [[area your lead is working on]]. Here they are:

[[Tip 1]]

[[Tip 2]]

You might not have the time to this though, and that’s wehere [[your company]] can help. Would you like a quick 15-minute session during the next week so I can walk you through the tips and discuss this further?

[[your name]] – Junior Marketing Associate

Hi {{first_name}},

I came across the open Junior Marketing Associate position you currently have available at DE Marketing Firm. I found this listing on Indeed and feel that I am a great fit for it after reading the job description and requirements.

I am a recent graduate from New York Community College with a Bachelor of Arts in Marketing. I am eager to put my knowledge and experience to work in a well-known marketing firm such as yours. During my time at New York Community College, I participated in several marketing internships with marketing companies throughout the city and have gained the necessary skills needed to be a successful marketing professional.

Attached you will find my cover letter, resume and marketing samples for your consideration. Please do not hesitate to reach out if you would like additional information.

Thank you so much for your time and consideration for this position and I look forward to hearing from you soon.


[[your name]]

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