Cold email templates

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269 email templates
[[prosuct/service]] review

Hi {{first_name}},

My name is [[your name]] from [[your company]]. I really enjoy your [[relevant content]] and am impressed by how well you’ve done with {{company}}.

I’m reaching out to you because I have a [[product/service]] that I think your audience would appreciate.

Would you be willing to test and review [[product/service]]?

I can provide a free sample for you to review, and three extra ones that you can give away to your audience

Please let me know if you are interested.

Thanks for your time.

[[your name and title]]

Share a testimonial

Hi {{first_name}},

I’m [[name]] from [[company]]. I just wanted to say that I love the [[product/service]] you offer. It’s not only a favorite of mine, but our audience seems to really like it as well.

At a guess, I’d say we send about [[X]] visitors per month to your website. We have [[X]] social media followers, and our site gets around [[X]] visitors per month.

I noticed that you share [[product/service]] testimonials on your website [[page]]. I’d be happy to share a testimonial or recommendation of the [[product/service]] that you could use in your sales or marketing material.

All the best,


Better content

Hi {{first_name}},

This might sound impossible, but this is marketing automation made easy. LottaZoom helps drive demand generation within the content marketing process with our JayBase Integration.

You can create, review, and manage JayBase Email Templates and Landing Pages then push them directly into JayBase, without having to copy/paste or jump around different platforms (finally!).

In addition to this automated awesomeness, we can pull metrics from content that was pushed from LottaZoom. This will make you and your team's lives a lot easier to get instant insights on the performance of marketing campaigns to generate even better content and stories.

If this sounds like something that will make your life a whole lot better, let's chat for 15 minutes this week. How's your calendar look this Thursday?


Hunter's Trademark Protection - Adspend

Hi {{first_name}},

I hope you had a lovely weekend! Did you know eliminating competitors using the Hunter trademark in their ads is more important than just for brand protection?

Why takedown ads which infringe on your trademark?

- Decreased CPCs for Hunter;
- Better click-through-rates;
- Protect your brand image;
- Increased CPCs for competitors.

BrandVerity automates monitoring of ads, identification of infringing ads, and makes submission directly to the search engines for takedown super easy. 15 minutes a week to do all that? Absolutely.

If you're interested in discussing further, please feel free to schedule a meeting with me here!

[[your name]]

I'll fix it for you

Hi {{first_name}},

Does {{company}} suffer from [[painful problem]]?

It’s a tough issue to overcome, and something most [[companies in your lead’s industry]] suffer from. And it can cost [[stat or research to agitate painful problem]].

Our [[product/service]] helps you avoid this with [[benefit /one-sentence pitch]].

I’d love to show you more. Are you open to a call at [[date and time]] next week?

[[mutual connection]] recommendedation

Hi {{first_name}},

[[Mutual connection name]] recommended I get in touch.

I recently helped [[referral’s company]] hire for a similar role to the [[position]] that you are currently recruiting for. I’m getting in touch to see if you’d be open to a quick discussion to see if I can offer you the same service?

I am flexible with my availability. Let me know when works for you.



I'll write a guest post for you Hello {{first_name}},

I’m [[your name]] from [[your company]]. I'd love to write a guest post for your blog. I write about [[your expertise]].

I know that editorial teams are overloaded now, but I guarantee it won't take much time to review and approve my guest post.

You can check my expertise in my recent published posts: [[quick list of recent posts where you're marked as the author]]

Let me know if you accept guest post contributions and need an extra pair of hands to write a blog post!

[[your name]]
Open position

Hi {{first_name}},

You probably get this often, but your background caught my eye.

I’m a recruiter at [[company]]. I’m reaching out because I think that with your experience in [[X]], you would be a great fit for one of our client’s open roles for [[position]].

Are you open to a chat?



Mentioned {{company}} in my blog post

Hey {{first_name}},

Last week I wrote a [[type of content]] on [[topic]].

As you see in this guide, I was very impressed with [[some personalization]] and linked back to your [[website/blog/study]].

If you enjoyed the guide, feel free to share it with your subscribers or link back to it on your blog.

Either way, keep up the awesome work!


{{first_name}}, quick question?

Hi {{first_name}},

I saw that you are looking for a [[open job]] in [[job location]].

We are specialist sales recruiters located in [[your city]]. We help great B2B software companies build world class sales teams.

In the last quarter, our placements have brought in more than 100 million dollars in revenue across multiple growth stage SaaS companies. I am positive that we can help {{company}} do the same.

Let me know if you’re looking to engage some top class talent for your open roles. We can have three super qualified and vetted candidates in your inbox within a week.

Let me know if you’d be open to talk about your hiring targets for this quarter. My calendar looks fairly open for tomorrow.



Should I speak to [[referral name]]?

Hi {{first_name}},

Would you be the right person to connect with regarding lighting & energy management at {{company}}?

This is [[name]], [[position]] at [[company]], a local Nashville company. We consult on energy efficiency and clean energy projects, working to help our clients reduce their utility bills by 10-50%. We like to call it “Total Energy or TotalE.” Do you have a “Total E” strategy?

Have you converted to LED lights? What percentage of your utility and maintenance budget is HVAC? Imagine if you could cut that expense by 30-50%. We’ve helped our clients do such things.

I’d like to set up a quick phone call or meeting to discuss your firm’s “Total E” goals. Thanks for connecting me to the right person.



Can you help us achieve our goal of getting 10,000 new people to start composting?

Hi {{first_name}},

My name is Veronica and I'm the founder of Yuzu Magazine, a lifestyle website that focuses on sustainable living.

I've recently come across your article [[URL]] and have a quick question for you.

While reading your article, I noticed that you reference I've recently written an in depth piece on how to compost, which I've illustrated with some useful infographics, including one on exactly what you can and can't compost.

If you feel that your readers would benefit from our guide, I was wondering whether you'd be willing to include a link back to our website? Hopefully we can get as many people to start composting as possible, especially during these challenging times!

Here's the link:

If you are willing to add the link to your site, it would mean the world to us as we try and achieve our goal of helping 10,000 new people start composting.

Let me know what you think, and keep up the great work :-)


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