Cold email templates

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269 email templates
Sales team goals

Hello {{first_name}},

Did you know that an average sales person [[add a statistic about their pain point]]? Is your sales team achieving the goals?

[[Add your company’s value proposition]]

If you’re looking to accelerate your sales like our clients [[mention high-end client’s name]] did, let’s connect for a quick 15-minute call later this week.


[[your name]]

Congrats on new role

Hey {{first_name}},

Congratulations on your new role as VP Marketing. Based on your LinkedIn profile, it looks like you've done an amazing job developing your career at {{company}}.

If there are ways I can help you get your message out to my network of [[title of people they're trying to reach]], please let me know. I'm a fan and I want to help.

Do you have a PR or content person on your team?


[[your name]]

Awesome article

Hi {{first_name}},

Hope all’s well :)

I noticed that you mentioned [[company name]] in one of your recent articles. Thanks for referencing us. [[explain why you liked the article]].

Small request; can you add a link to the mention?

I’d appreciate that. If there’s anything I can do for you, please let me know.



{{company}} on Google Ads

Hey {{first_name}},

I just saw your ad on Google Ads & I researched a company similar to yours, [[competitor]].

Good news - I found some gaps in their paid ads strategies that you could leverage.

But first, I'm [[your name]] and I help SaaS companies grow with paid ads (increase ROAS while reducing CaC).

First thing I noticed about those guys - is that they have pretty weak ads in general..

To give you a leg up, I'd love to send you our free SaaS CheatSheet for Google Ads - I think you'd find it pretty valuable.

(This contains some of our most favorite ads after doing countless competitor research over the years & spending nearly 8 figures on paid ads).

Do you mind if I share the cheatsheet with you?

Just reply "Yes" & I'll send it over.

Suggestions on [[topic]]

Hi {{first_name}},

It looks like you checked out [[your product/services]] at {{company}}.

As I couldn’t get back to you earlier, I am reaching out now to know the status of your pesky difficulties and love to share some [[suggestions/ideas]] to find the solution.

If we could spend 15 mins on [[date]] at [[time]] to chat about this, it will be great for you to move forward with confidence.

I look forward to hearing from you.

[[your name]]

Great job with your content

Hi {{first_name}},

I saw your content on [[platform]]. I loved it so much I shared it with my [[team, boss, friend]].

You guys are doing great things. I like how you [[specific compliment on something lead or lead’s company published or did]]. And I know you’re busy, so I’ll make this quick:

We’ve spent over 2 hours to create a personalized demo for [[company]] on how to [[achieve result]]. I would love for you to have a look and let us know if you find it useful at all?

Why RuffArmor's missing (on Google's first page of search results)

Hi {{first_name}},

Did you know your website isn't visible on Google's first page of search results? Even though you have popular keywords on your website.

This problem could be due to several reasons, like your site's key phrases aren't very competitive or site pages aren't performing on searches.

Not having that visibility is losing you money every month.

SEO Incorporated found that having competitive SEO phrases are key to getting your site on Google's first page.

Those phrases were linked to growing your business 73%, resulting in an average of $15,000 for companies surveyed.

In other words, if your pages and SEO are set-up properly, the very people you want to attract to your business will find you.... on their own through organic (i.e. free) searches. So your budget is free to focus on other avenues like video customer testimonials, new product lines.

Interested? Hit reply for your free website audit report.

Looking forward to hearing from you.


Showcase {{company}} to 730K+ potential customers

Hey {{first_name}},

I’ve heard amazing things about {{company}} lately and I just had to reach out :-)

AppSumo is hand-selecting a few stellar products to feature in October and we would love to showcase {{company}} to over 730,000+ potential new customers.

When we asked our customers if they'd be interested in a product like yours, we got a huge resounding "yes!".

I think they would make for great lifetime {{company}} customers.

Here is some more info on our reach, our customers, and who we've worked with in the past:

Please email me by the 30th and we'll make it happen.


[[Your Name]]

Ronaldo's fan?

Hey {{first_name}},

Based on your twitter feed, I gathered you are a Christiano Ronaldo fan – prompting me to reach out to you here.

What would Ronaldo be if he didn’t have the support of kick ass midfield formation of Isco and Casemiro!

I went through your profile and some of the work you have put up on dribbble and said to myself that if the design world had a Christiano, that would be you. I know you have been at {{company}} for only 6 months and this might be the wrong time to reach out to you, but I decided I will take that chance.

We are looking to fill a fantastic role to lead our clients design team. Would you be open to having a brief chat about this?



[Introduction] [[company 1]] <--> [[company 2]]

Hello Kate and Rohan,

Hope this email finds you both well.

Kate, I'd like to put you in touch with Rohan. Rohan is the founder of Resume Worded, a service that helps jobseekers improve their resumes and LinkedIn profiles. I've worked closely with him at Google and his company is doing great.

Rohan, please meet Kate. He's an investor at RW Ventures.

I hope you're able to find time to meet and will let you both take it from here!


Thank you for meeting

Hey {{first_name}},

Thank you for meeting with me yesterday. I really enjoyed our discussion and I look forward to continuing it.

If you were interested during the meeting, here are a few items that were not covered:

- Any other questions or concerns?
- What is your feedback on these topics?

Let me know your thoughts on this!

Thanks for your input

[[your name]]

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